Configure secret references for the configurations defined in micro-gw.conf file in Kubernetes— WSO2 Micro Gateway

Lakshan Thilakarathne
2 min readJan 31, 2022

micro-gw.conf is the runtime configuration file located in <MGW-RUNTIME-HOME>/conf/ directory[1].

Today, we are going to discuss on how to configure secret references for the configurations defined in micro-gw.conf file.


Let’s assume we want to fetch the configuration of “httpPort” under the “[listenerConfig]”.

httpPort = 9090

Initially, we need to create a Kubernetes secret for this…

i. Create a file(secret.yaml) with the below content(data attributes needs to be base64 encoded, here we have encoded 8000).

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: test-secret
port: ODAwMA==

ii. Create the secret.

kubectl apply -f file-path/secret.yaml

Secondly, we need to declare this as an environment variable in deployment-config.toml file as below.

enable = true
env = '{ "listenerConfig_httpPort": {secretKeyRef: {key: "port",name: "test-secret"}} }'

Here, we need to create the variable name by appending the micro-gw.conf configuration hierarchy(Since the “httpPort” config is under the “listenerConfig”, the variable name can be obtained by appending both with “_”). Other than that, we need to use the same key(port) and the name(test-secret) of the secret we created.

Then we need to generate the Kubernetes artifacts by building the project.

micro-gw build k8s_project --deployment-config deployment.toml

Below is the generated k8 artifact (k8s_project.yaml) content with the environment variable,

- env:
- name: "listenerConfig_httpPort"
key: "port"
name: "test-secret"
- name: "CONFIG_FILE"
value: "/home/ballerina/conf/ballerina.conf"

👏 It’s almost done ✅.

We can start the Kubernetes cluster now.

Happy Integration!

